Heers wut ya git!

Pull up a seat and read a little. If you are from WV you are probably like me and have never learned to read so get someone to read it to you. I'm Skully, my friend Mike listens to me and translates my words from Hickglish to English. He is familiar with the ways of folks from other areas, and can communicate readily with the general populace.
(Fetch ya a char an lisen ta wuts heer. If’n yer frum West Verginua yu r proly lak me an ain’t had no reedin ejukashun so git sumbudy to reed it to ya. I’m Skully, ma frend Mak lisens ta mee an translates ma werds frum normul to wut them thar hi falootin peepole talks. He nows how to talk to outciders an can speek thar langwige.)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Evil That Protects

The Evil That Protects
Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Attacking!! That describes it best. More and more pouring ever onward until little room is left. A sea! An ocean! A torrent beating down upon what was once so pure and unspoiled. Existence itself is gradually threatened by the tumult. Mighty hammers seem to beat huge anvils in a chorus of destruction and creation and as the murderous pace slows to a crawl there is still the will to continue. An all pervading will to arrive at the utter destruction of the now fading purity.

The brow sweats, the fingers twitch and grasp in the empty air for more raw material to transform into the demise of the unspoiled expanse! The purity as set before the onslaught has a protector, a counter-foe and to horror and dismay it is unseen but it’s presence is keenly felt! It is blankness, a nothing that is endless in size and weight. It is both existent and non-existent at once. The spectral force tormenting and beating down the aggressor until at last the outpouring ceases completely! Time moves slowly as if only the nothing is sentient and all else simply it’s imagined playthings. Shriek to the heavens, WHY! Why cannot the destruction flourish in the glory of simply being?

The destruction of the purity of paper with text has long been the goal of a great many writers, poets and musicians. There is however a stout foe of this practice that can kill and maim the conveyance of thoughts at any moment without preamble or warning. Writers block is the general and accepted term for this evil that protects the purity of the paper from the ravages of the pen. I seem to have emerged victorious in this minute battle as it was my intent to fill only one page and the required time was that of a cup of tea.

I look forward to my next grapple with this most worthy and often hellish foe. Perhaps one day the nothingness will be defeated and the ideas of many will flourish to be seen and reveled in by the masses. Only time will tell, and perhaps another cup of tea.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wordsmiths July challenge

I'm glad to see the Wordsmiths back in business!
I found out a little late though; I didn't have anything but Notepad to "scribble" an idea. I think the word count should be alright but I didn't get to spell check.

Hours Devours

I awaken to the feeling of being in a tanning bed. The heat is bearable but, I hate being covered in oil while lying on a non-pourus surface.

I have probably been in here long enough, the teltale tightening feeling in my skin is letting me know that my tan is on it's way but could soon turn into a miserable burn.

I don't remember going to the tanning bed but there is alot I don't remember from the party last night that lasted until well after sunrise. We had a great time until... something happened... Oh well, it was just another crazy night with my friends, as usual.

Still I think I remember something, I have that feeling in the pit of my stomach...like guilt or the remembrance of fear.

The lights are strange, thousands of tiny lights...wierd.
The lid won't open on this damn thing; what the hell kind of tanning bed is this?

It's been fucking hours...or days! I know I've been unconcious, more than once. Maybe something bad has happened, a disaster or..., but the power is still on, I'd think that it would be off if...

My skin is literally burnt to a crisp. Every breath brings more pain as it cracks from each movement.

The smell of the oily spray that shoots out from between the lights at intervals has become unbearable. A sent of vinegar, olive oil and spice; my eyes are burning, I am burning.

A blinding light intervenes; I swear I see a woman, she looks so big, what a nightmare!

I'm passing out again...

The music is very loud, I hear the chatter of many people and smell wonderful food! I am so hungry, so thirsty, so... I'm not in the tanning bed anymore, there is no light. I am laying on someone...another person! I hear screaming and moaning...GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING?

I'm passing out again...

A metalic clang is ringing in my ears as bright light sears my swolen, burning eyes. The woman is back and she is looking at me, I am naked, I hurt so badly...she is so big...I don't understand... Her voice is loud...she is huge!

"They're best when their are fresh and jumping", she giggles.

The woman has a large piece of wood, she is so big, OH MY GOD! I understand now as the huge woman pierces my gut with the large wooden pole, I am lifted into the air and lifted from my misery.